Sunday, September 16, 2007

Our site! 9/11/07

After our inspector arrived on Monday, we had lunch and then proceeded to the site… well, sort of… We had some trouble finding it at first, since we had not been allowed to visit it until we had permission to survey it. We wandered around in a quarry for some time before Reis (Arabic for foreman) Ibrahim (the head of the family from Guft who are our survey and excavation foremen/supervisors) found a local man who knew what site we were looking for.

When we found it, we were amazed at the size of it. Having seen the maps available (which are old and not at all detailed), we knew that the site was large, but that didn’t prepare us for seeing it in person. It is well over a square kilometer in size.

Tuesday, we had to head back to Qena with our inspector so that she could sign papers with the Qena inspectorate. We worked a few hours in the morning and then left for Qena straight from the site. Having gotten up early and the weather being hotter that day, Qena didn’t seem nearly as charming as it had two days before. However, we did get a chance to take a few pictures near Nag Hammadi this time.

(See my previous post on Qena for another picture)


Monica Burns said...

Fabulous pictures. I'm sooo jealous. So what are you looking for specifically at the site? Do you have any idea at all or are you just survey and figuring out whether there's anything to excavate??


M said...

Monica, see my latest post for more on the details of the site. You can also try googling it, but I'm not sure how much info is out there on the net about it. We're only surveying the site because there is a moratorium on new excavations in Upper Egypt right now, but we hope to be able to do at least some excavation there in the future.

Unknown said...

I am surprised to see the green

Unknown said...

I have read all of your blog now and I want more posts! The 11th is the most recent? I would love to send the blog address to Amy's prior social studies teacher, whose classroom you went to last year; Mrs Blauss.
Would that be ok? Let me know.

M said...

Actually, I posted on the 21st (the titles with dates in them are things I posted well after the actual day). Each post has the day and time I posted.

Feel free to share the blog address, but I prefer that I not appear on any posters or other classroom materials!